Inlägg publicerade under kategorin Allmänt

Av Kasia - 20 april 2014 21:33

How are you, people?

Are you satisfied with your Easter-choices this year?

Last night I went to bed 8.30 pm after a day of doing NOTHING. There was no power. The engine was off.
Even so, I feel like a WINNER. I found acceptance within myslef for it. And all the acceptance I needed from my family    


Today the energy was back, at least some of it. I managed to do some gardening and I took few pictures of the beautiful surroundings.

Right now it is the only beautiful thing on out own yard:


This one is also a beauty. It is fascinating, that a dry leaf can burn down withing seconds. And it can also survive whole Winter, on a muddy ground, and be even more beautiful after.


What to say about an old boat in blue? Harmony between the line and the colour. Love it.

I strongly believe that this bird was planning to attack. I risked my and my Son's toes for these captivating rings on our calm lake.


Grateful for the simple beauty around us.

Tomorrow I will explore one more lovely place close to us and close to our hearts.

Good Night and Love to All.

Av Kasia - 18 april 2014 20:08

In Sweden it is called Long Friday
In Poland Wielki Piatek (Holy Friday?)
In English it is Good Friday.

For me it was a really, really loooong Friday. I fixed 2 meters of a broken net, see the picture :)
It took so long time and at the end I got sooooo frozen.
Nothing that nice fire could not fix...

I hope you all had a long, holy and good Friday <3

Av Kasia - 17 april 2014 18:43

Happy Easter Everyone!
Focus on what is important for you during those few special days.
I hope when we meet on the other side of Holidays we will all feel a bit better than we do today :)

Love and Blue Chickens to All.

Av Kasia - 16 april 2014 23:34

Odzew Swiateczny do MLODYCH Braci i Siostr Polakow.

Post zainspirowany i zadedykowany OliG.


Siedze po nocy i rwe prawie doslownie wlosy z glowy (nieczesane od 4-5 dni!) przypominam sobie te katusze w domu rodzinnym, jako dzieciak jeszcze, ten wyscig z czasem, te pogon za jakims IDEALNYM stanem rzeczy, byle zdazyc przed Wielkanoca...

Zdazyc z czym? Zaharowaniem sie do upadlego? Osiagnieciem harmonii zupelnej trwajacej 13 sekund... do momentu, kiedy goscie zapukaja do drzwi i zburza ten idealny stan, a my podpierajac sie na rzesach bedziemy uslugiwac, podawac, zabawiac, marzac o pachnacej, miekkiej poscieli i swiezo wywietrzonej sypialni, o ciszy, odpoczynku, chwili dla siebie.

Powiedzcie mi, ze sie myle!

Nie poruszam watkow i pobudek religijnych Swiat Wielkanocnych. Interesuje mnie tylko okraszanie ich swiecka tradycja ZASTAW SIE/(ZARZNIJ SIE), A POSTAW SIE!

Wiekszosc z nas, "mlodych doroslych" kobiet z dzieciakami ponizej 10 lat (statystycznie) biega do pracy na 120% etatu, wozi dzieci na zajecia pozalekcyjne (ktorych 20 lat temu, jak my dorastalismy NIE BYLO!) a mimo to powiela schemat "swiateczny" wyniesiony z domu rodzinnego, nie podwazajac go.

Mowie to z przekonaniem, poniewaz sama nalezalam do tego grona do niedawna. Nie umialam inaczej. Nie wiedzialam, ze sa inne PRAWDY, ze sa inne metody, zwyczaje, pomysly. Nie wiedzialam, ze moge sie od tych moich, "wrodzonych" uwolnic. Do momentu, kiedy przyplacilam to niemal zdrowiem.

I dzis dziekuje, wysiadam, mowie stanowcze nie. Robie po mojemu.

Bedzie salatka jarzynowa, babka piaskowa, baranina w cudownym sosie (hinduskim!), jajka z majonezem, cwikla, rosol, pasztet (MAMUSINY!), bo jedzenie, smak, rozkosz podniebienia maja dla mnie znaczenie. Ale sprzatanie, na ktore juz nie starczy sily, juz nie!

Ucieklam z rodzina do domu letniego i chowamy sie wspolnie przed urokami "goszczenia". Bo harmonia nasza wlasna, rodzinna, prywatna jest nam w tej chwili najbardziej potrzebna.

Nie chce sabotowac Wielkanocy. Trzymam kciuki za Wasza SWIETOWANIE i Wasze POTRZEBY, rozkwitajace, wychylajace sie niesmialo spod ciezkiego plaszcza tradycji i przyzwyczajenia do martyrologii.

A jesli jeszcze Was nie przekonalam, zanuce za Gawlinskim, "Mamy tylko chwile...  Zanim minie nasz czas..."

Zobaczcie piekne video na:

A skoro Wielkanoc, to przypomnijmy sobie jeszcze:

"I tak wszystko to, co mamy jest w naszych sercach." To jest OCZYWISCIE "kolejny poziom wtajemniczenia", ale on przed nikim nie jest zamkniety.


Av Kasia - 16 april 2014 17:12

Easter is coming. A lot of stress for many of us. Many MUSTS, rushing, fixing, making the Holiday time SPECIAL.

Zbliza sie Wielkanoc. Stresujacy czas dla wielu z nas. Wiele obowiazkow, pospiechu, zalatwiania spraw, dokladania staran, zeby okres Swiateczny byl WYJATKOWY.

So much to do, buy, cook, clean (that applies mostly in Poland ;)... you name it!

Jest tyle do zrobienia, kupienia, ugotowania, sprzatniecia (zwlaszcza w polskich, przykladnych domach ;)... lista jest dluga!

How about making the preparation time count too? Maybe even ENJOY it? Contemplate it?

Co Wy na to, zeby nawet czas przygotowan uczynic wartosciowym? Moze nawet spedzic go z PRZYJEMNOSCIA? W zadumie?


Hear me on that one: do not let your pulse go up on the next RED LIGHT, because it slows you down!

Posluchajcie dobrej rady: niech nastepne CZERWONE SWIATLO nie podniesie Wam pulsu, bo Wam sie spieszy!


Use it to SLOW DOWN, look around, take a deep breath, do something to get in touch with yourself for a short moment. That is what Holidays are about :)

Uzyjcie go jako okazji, zeby ZWOLNIC, rozejrzec sie do okola, wziac gleboki oddech, zlapac kontakt z samym soba choc na chwile. Wtedy bedzie Odswietnie :)



Call me crazy, but sometimes I choose the longest queue in the supermarket and use the waiting time for contemplation and meditation. Try it too!

Moze to szalone, ale czasem wybieram najdluzsza kolejke w supermarkecie i czekajac kontempluje i medytuje. Sprobujcie chetnie!

Red Light to All.

Czerwonego Swiatla Wszystkim.

Av Kasia - 15 april 2014 21:49

Av Kasia - 15 april 2014 13:42

There is I think only one downside of my detox. I developed a very strong need for taste and smell of coffee.

It is no coffeine craving, I just ADORE the aroma, the texture, the smooth, yet heavy bitterness of an ESPRESSO.

Or a bit softer (soy) macchiato.

It is like a punch in the face and a tender touch at the same time.

Forbidden fruit tastes the best? Or can I simply enjoy food and drinks in a smaller size now?


Also, how could you say no to this BEAUTY?


Dziekuje Anusiu!   


Fair Trade Coffee to All.

Av Kasia - 14 april 2014 09:43

Am I a bad person when I desperately need to be left alone?
Get some space? Just be with myself after a lovely, busy weekend?
Let the outside get quiet so that I can hear what the inside is screaming... longing for.
Through years I have learned to pay attention to what others need. I made it to my mission to keep others satisfied and taken care of.

Because I liked the immediate SATISFACTION, the feeling of being needed. The thank you.

In the end I got to think that there is no space for my needs, or that I will take care of them later, when everything else is done.
Also, I believe, I was trying to escape from myself and the growing UNEASE within. Keep myself busy enough not to think...
You may get that impression. First. But I have seen this before. I see it every day.
Today my physical body is ALLERGIC to being neglected. I panic when there is no space for ME. No silence.
With my cognitive problems due to the burnout it takes SECONDS fot the whole damn SYSTEM to SHUT DOWN.
Self-control, breath, digestion, consciousness, ALL GONE.
I am on an AUTO PILOT.

And it is not the quality of life I am aiming for today.
Right now it looks like a constant fight but I am here to WIN it! To win my LIFE back!!!

LIFE to All.


Embracing the NOW, Zebra-style.


Ask Kasia

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