Direktlänk till inlägg 10 april 2014

We only have NOW.

Av Kasia - 10 april 2014 11:33

What do they say? The name PRESENT moment is not a coincidence. See NOW as a gift.

It was only recently when I understood this idea. That it is only in the NOW where I can shape my future, and also my past. Each past moment was a NOW once. If I did not take CARE of it, it probably became a past I regret.


When you go towards a burnout, NO, when you RUSH straight into a burnout TIME is your biggest enemy. It was, and still is so for me.

For a very long time I had to optimize every action I took. I had to plan life with details to squeeze in as much useful stuff in each minute. I lived with the feeling that I am always late. Time was an ugly monster trying to catch me, trap me, ruin everything, and it was NEVER there for me.

And the feeling of failure when lists of tasks were not completed, when busses were missed and schedules fell apart…. It was burning down my inside into ashes...

The idea of seeing my TIME on this Planet as a gift, as something I should carefully choose how I use was so unfamiliar to me.

I guess I was always prepared to FIGTH for or back at something; I never had a RECEIVING attitude. And not only in the question of time...

It really can wear one down.

And it did. It was very difficult for me to accept that my recovery WILL TAKE TIME, and it is nothing I can or should RUSH with.

Nowadays I can still fall into this ‘there is not enough time’ spiral, just as I did yesterday (which you can read about in my post ‘I am my own worst enemy. A story of failure.’). The difference is that now I REACT in a new way. I SAVE myself from my activity lists, and action plans.

I CRUSH the picture of what I thought would happen next. I sit down and look at the PRESENT moment and I start inventing it with awareness. Moment by moment. With no expectations or pressure.

Ready to receive a gift.

Love to All.


    Kom ihåg mig



Av Kasia - 7 juli 2016 16:09

Widzę, że ciągle jeszcze jest sporo osób, które zaglądają tutaj :) Bardzo mi miło <3   Przypominam jednak, że nowe wpisy pojawiają się od ponad miesiąca pod innym adresem: www.blog.zebrazone....

Av Kasia - 3 juni 2016 17:54

Dzisiejszy wpis z nowej platformy bloga ZebraZone: www.blog.zebrazone.seDla tych, którzy jeszcze nie przyzwyczaili się do nowego adresu :)Bardzo ciężko pracowałam przez ostatnie tygodnie. Za ciężko.Tak ciężko, ...

Av Kasia - 1 juni 2016 12:00

Drodzy Kochani! Czas ruszać dalej. Czas wyjść poza granice strefy komfortu.   ZebraZone trzyma mnie w pionie. W głębi mojego najmiętszego serca wiem, że jest nas więcej, tych, którym utrzymywanie pion...

Av Kasia - 31 maj 2016 22:06

To mój przedostatni tekst na tej stronie.   Czterysta dziewięćdziesiąty czwarty. Ponad dwa lata karmienia tego wyrostka własną krwią, siłą. Wiarą. Że coś z niego wyrośnie. Że p...

Av Kasia - 26 maj 2016 08:55

Za chwilę wychodzę do pracy. W deszcz. To nic. To mi nie przeszkadza. Tylko brak czasu trochę naciska a tu ważny temat do poruszenia!   Czuję się w obowiązku ostrzec Państwa przed niebezpieczeństwem ...


Embracing the NOW, Zebra-style.


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